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McKenna J. Meldrum


B.A., University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 2019
J.D., Samford University, Cumberland School of Law, 2023

Bar Admission:

State of Alabama, 2023

Admitted to Practice:

Supreme Court of Alabama
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama
U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Alabama
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Alabama


McKenna J. Meldrum grew up in Franklin, Tennessee and studied English Literature at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. After college, McKenna spent a year working as a real estate agent. She then moved to Alabama to attend Samford University, Cumberland School of Law, where she earned her law degree in 2023.

McKenna joined the Firm in 2023. She focuses her practice on real estate transactions, estate planning, and bankruptcy.

When not at the office, McKenna likes to read, make pottery, crochet, watch movies at the Capri Theater, and participate in local community activities and events in Old Cloverdale.


American Bar Association
Alabama State Bar, Women’s Section
Alabama State Bar, Young Lawyers’ Section
Old Cloverdale Association

Practice Areas:

Commercial Real Estate
Estate Planning

Dedicated to Ensuring You Receive Experienced and Professional Legal Services